Thursday 10 November 2011

Album Review - Puscifer, Conditions of My Parole

The cover of this album is weird and it doesn't give anything away. Theres not the slightest of hint of what to expect from the album. Starting moderately, the album become more dynamic as it progress. Musically, the occasional groove is a large draw, with unconventional song structure (Man Overboard). "Conditions" is built around a solid core of impactful riffs and thick, black, bleak programming layering perfectly upon one another. The abnormal musical arrangement is tied together and complemented by the bass. The album does not sound entirely gloomy (COMP). Some of the songs are created for dark rainy days, but other is meant for time when the rain stops and the sun re-emerge (Monsoons).

Add the music composition to Maynard's creative mind, creates a tolerable beautiful abstract. The album comprises of some gorgeously haunting songs. Maynard continues to deliver amazing lyrics and expression through his vocals. Carina Round's backing vocals provide the perfect counterpoint. Puscifer is another avenue for Maynard's creative voices that aren't satisfied by everything else he ever did. Puscifer have grown more as a way for Maynard James Keenan to express some of the wilder, stranger music he wanted to make (as if his previous work are normal!). Very few established musicians push the envelope of music anymore. Playing safe is boring. But daring to explore without substance is just a waste of time. Maynard's latest voyage is one that is successful in being unconventionally acceptable.

"Rapture" is my favorite song for the moment. Puscifer is a constantly evolving project. The album will be hard to digest for those alien to the work of Maynard. For those who are 'new', I suggest you to jump straight to track 7; Toma. 

Watching this performance might open your eye to the unorthodox beauty of the album.