Sunday 12 February 2012

Saudi Arabia Next?

 UN; Encyclopedia Britannica, The Economist

Based on the graph above, the likelihood of an uprising to occur is higher if the age of the leader doubles or triples the median age of the population. Such a wide gap is more common in autocracies or in democracy where a person ruled for too long.

The Economist

This is where unbelievably wealthy corrupts store their questionable earned money. Why I call them corrupts? some are trying to escape from being taxed, some are hiding the source of their income and other selfish reasons. Switzerland is well known as the world’s biggest tax haven: Switzerland’s banks house around $2.1 trillion, or 27%, of offshore wealth, according to the Boston Consulting Group (BCG).

Fasting and Cancer

Denial is beneficial for the soul while starvation is effective against desire (nafs). Starvation is also known to be beneficial to the body. It is known that animals fed near-starvation diet see dramatic boosts in their lifespans.

The lack of nutrition seems to make our cellular repair mechanism work harder. [Maybe to their full capacity and true potential(?) I'm no doctor]. The cellular repair mechanism helps to slow the gradual accumulation of cellular damage that is related to aging. In time of scarcity, normal cells switch their attention away from reproduction and towards preservation, beefing up their repair mechanisms. We have been pampering our body with numerous supplements and medicine that it might become "complacent" in the future.

It is now found that fasting is helpful in treating tumor since it both protect healthy tissue and make tumors easier to treat. Furthermore, it is found that fasting can actually make cancerous cells more susceptible to chemotherapy than they otherwise might be (experiment done on mice). Cancerous mice treated with a combination of chemotherapy and fasting had better survival chances and smaller tumors, for several different types of cancer, than those treated with either fasting or chemotherapy alone. Fasting is cheap, affordable, safe and, in theory, should work against a wide variety of cancer types.

Lack of nutrients seems to spur the activity of cellular repair mechanisms. Maybe our body knows best and is created in a way to respond naturally in accordance with situations. That might be why we often don't feel like eating when we are ill. I believe this is also for medicine and supplements. The less we depend on them, the better of our immune system would be. Human used to live for hundreds of years without the help of modern medicine. However, they also benefited from the less/non-polluted environment around them.

Thursday 2 February 2012

The Dog Strikes Back

 Still remember the little Darth Vader Volkswagon ad?

Notice the price at the end; starting $20,000 (RM60,000)? Now, theres a follow up to this ad; its called 'the dog strikes back'.

Bahhahhaha! Nice