Tuesday 17 January 2012

Smarter by Chewing Gum?

Recent studies shows that by chomping gum before exams, students fare better in comparison to those who didn't. According to studies, the benefits of chewing gum includes boosting mental performance, higher math grades, improving memory, become less stressed, and much happier.

Maybe this is the secret to the tactical prowess possessed by Sir Alex Ferguson (SAF) of Manchester United. The manager is famous for his constant gum chewing during a football match. Is it a technique to stay calm under pressure? Or maybe he is displaying a metaphor of United chewing up their opponents....who knows?

Chewing til the end

On his 25th anniversary as the manager of Manchester United, SAF said that he is targetting another 3 years before retiring from football.

Ferguson will hang his gum in three years time?

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