Sunday 24 July 2011

Oslo Bombing Suspect - Anders Behring Breivik - A Far-Right Islamophobe

The suspect

So much to those who easily come to the conclusion that the culprit behind the bombings were Muslim terrorist. Its quite disturbing how many expert analyst can come to this conclusion almost instantly. It turns out the suspect is reported to have had links with right-wing extremists. This should be a reminder to us that every ideology and religion has its dark side.

At least 92 people died in the two separate incident.

The suspect, Anders Behring Breivik, 32, has admitted responsibility to the youth camp massacre and the bombing prior. Police also suspect the existence of an accomplice. The suspect appeared in an anti-Muslim video called Knights Templar 2083, which appeared briefly on YouTube. The suspect is due to appear in court on Monday.

For further details

However, the case is still being investigated. So nothing is certain for now.

I guess he joined the right-wing extremists because of the act of terrorist. However turning into one clearly defeat the purpose (and sick). Well we have been warned that the end of times would be filled with deception and apparently weirdness.

Here is a post by someone who has a clearer view on what is happening:

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