Tuesday 27 September 2011

Coffee Can Prevent Depression?

Coffee might lower the risk for depression in women by as much as 20 percent, research suggest.Women who drink about four to five cups of coffee a day are less likely to get depressed, research suggests. The authors believe caffeine in coffee may alter the brain's chemistry since decaffeinated coffee did not have the same effect. 

FYI. The finding hasn't been finalized yet.

Thursday 22 September 2011

Bill Gates - 2011 Wealthiest American

Bill Gates top Forbes's list of rich American ahead of investor Warren Buffet. Mr Gates' wealth grew by $3bn to $59bn. Mr Buffett dropped $11bn to $39bn as the value of his Berkshire Hathaway firm fell. Making him the biggest loser.

Obama And The Palestinian UN Bid

President Obama praised the way Arabs in Egypt, Libya and Tunisia had seized their freedom in his speech recently. On the contrary, he urged the Palestinians to give up their statehood bid. It seems that The president's speech was more about the politics of his own re-election bid next year. Mr. Obama told the UN General Assembly the Palestinians deserve their own state, but that this would only be achieved through talks with Israel. Who did Israel talk to when they got theirs?

"Peace will not come through statements and resolutions at the UN."
"I am convinced that there is no short cut to the end of a conflict that has endured for decades."
- (Just Another President) Obama

As long as some countries have the UN veto power, progression could not be made smoothly.

Google Cooking Search Results?

Cooking the books is familiar to many. However cooking search results is a new one. Google is currently being investigated for allegedly fixing search results to promote itself. Several more Senate hearings should be expected in the future. Eric Schmidt should be prepared.


Monday 19 September 2011

Obama Plan to Cut US Deficit - Lacks Accountability?

To ensure accountability, one must not declare plans to the masses beyond their time in office. I’m not against planning for the future. Plans are necessary since it provide us with a framework to work around. I’m just against planning for popularity while not taking responsibility for it. It’s easy to make things look good on paper.

Bill Clinton projected that the US would be debt free by now back when he was in office. But....you know the story. Now, President Barack Obama is to unveil plans to cut the US deficit by $3trn over the next decade. The plan should be feasible. Its a common trend now that the world would face a financial crisis at least once a decade. What I'm trying to say is, the plan might not sail smoothly.

The plan that Obama is proposing would only materialize in 2022. Even if he succeed in the next election, he would be out approximately in 2016. Whats the use of 'promoting' your plan when you won’t be in office when the time comes? election purposes?

One way in achieving this plan is through the introduction of a “Buffett Rule”. Taxing people who earns more than $1mln. What a populist move. 

Warren Buffet has been complaining because he feels that he and his filthy rich peers aren’t paying enough tax.

Saturday 17 September 2011

Palestinian Statehood, Risk of Third Intifada

The United Nations partition plan of 1947 called for the establishment of two states, one Jewish and one Arab. Approximately 6 decades later, Israel is an internationally recognized country, while the Palestinians are still waiting. 

Currently, the Palestinians are preparing a bid for United Nations membership; despite the inevitable opposition by Israel and US. Top Palestinian diplomat says that they will submit a bid for full membership at the UN Security Council on September 23.

United States will likely veto a unilateral Palestinian request for statehood on the grounds that peace should be obtained through direct negotiations between Palestine and Israel. They have a point. Unless Israel and the United States form part of the consensus, the Israeli-Palestinian impasse will remain stagnant.   

However the anticipated veto might ignite a third intifada. Palestinian intifada were expressions of cumulative social frustration. Previous intifada was seen in 1987 and 2000 where Israel survived in an environment where Arab states were relatively passive. Now, the Arab world are exerting a larger influence on the region’s politics. Pro-Palestinian sentiment now exists beyond the Arab world where Turkey is leading the pact. 

Saturday 10 September 2011

9.11.01 - 9.11.11

 Don't turn tragedy into war

10 years flew. The horrific tragedy on September 11th would always be remembered regardless of who was the 'actual' culprit behind the attacks. As September 11th fades into the history books, we should reflect back and learn from the mistakes made over the past decade. The lost decade.

Its notable how September 11th is being remembered more for whats been done to the US rather than whats been done by the US in response.

While America remember the 9/11 attacks on their country, little attention is given to the post 9/11 invasions. An encroachment which have dramatically effect lives of millions (even billions indirectly). Yes, thousands of innocent lives were lost during the September 11th attack, however hundreds of thousands innocent people died during the subsequent baseless invasion. Reluctant to admit what might be categorized as an error. A blunder so big, it caused the US economic and global influence to deteriorate. 

Friday 9 September 2011

Muslim Equivalent of The Cosby Show?

There was a show that caught my attention back in 2009. The show is called "Little Mosque on the Prairie" (LMOTP). LMOTP is a Canadian sitcom on CBC, created by Zarqa Nawaz. The series is an internationally-acclaimed comedy about Muslims and Christians attempting to live in harmony with each other in the small town of Mercy in Saskatchewan, Canada. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton herself once thanked the show's makers for "everything you're doing to foster cross-cultural unity and understanding through comedy".

While the show give an idea of what could be achieved between Muslim and Christians, it doesn't exclude the reality that it isn't as easy as thought.

Could LMOTP have the Cosby effect for the Muslims?

Sunday 4 September 2011

Palestinian State, a Threat to Israel

Product of inaction

In the 4 decades since the Middle East war in 1967, numerous peace talks were held. Unfortunately, only those plans which involves Israel with Egypt and Jordan has been successful. The successful one is redundant for the Palestinians. The injustice done to them attracts little attention from those who are in the position to make a change. By now we should realize that Obama is just another sweet talking puppet. For all his fine speeches, Mr Obama’s inept diplomacy ended in humiliation.

In between numerous peace talks created since the "Security Council Resolution 242", 1967, the "only" thing changed is the 'president' of the US. Why are the US reluctant to upheld justice as preached? America seems to take a selective approach in applying the term equality with their discriminatory foreign policy. Its not that surprising since Israel lobby is one of the most powerful in Washington.

Friday 2 September 2011

Hurricane Irene - Overrated?

Turns out Irene wasnt the storm everyone expect it to be. Irene has been downgraded to a tropical storm on Sunday morning. However, the storm had killed at least 19 people. Was Irene another example of US media scare tactics normally used by politicians to boost support? 

I dont think Irene is another panic marketing by the US media. Natural disasters are (a) real (possibility) and should't be taken lightly. We have been taught by history that the aftermath of such disaster might be ugly. I think President Obama did the right thing by taking a proactive approach.

As proven by Katrina, its better to overhype than underhype a natural disaster. You can ask George W. Bush. He'll definitely agree (or he still might not...).

On the other hand, the hype that came prior to Irene might have a "boy who cried wolf" effect in the future. People might treat future warnings as false alarms. We just have to wait and see.