Saturday 10 September 2011

9.11.01 - 9.11.11

 Don't turn tragedy into war

10 years flew. The horrific tragedy on September 11th would always be remembered regardless of who was the 'actual' culprit behind the attacks. As September 11th fades into the history books, we should reflect back and learn from the mistakes made over the past decade. The lost decade.

Its notable how September 11th is being remembered more for whats been done to the US rather than whats been done by the US in response.

While America remember the 9/11 attacks on their country, little attention is given to the post 9/11 invasions. An encroachment which have dramatically effect lives of millions (even billions indirectly). Yes, thousands of innocent lives were lost during the September 11th attack, however hundreds of thousands innocent people died during the subsequent baseless invasion. Reluctant to admit what might be categorized as an error. A blunder so big, it caused the US economic and global influence to deteriorate. 

The world is shifting East since the West is in a gradually 'declining'. Largely due to a weak governance of the past decade. Testament by the many judgmental error made over the past decennia by an aging superpower. Mistakes came in an abundant following September 11th 2001, with the invasion of Iraq was probably the worst. The infamous invasion was not backed by facts whatsoever; it was made based on mere speculation of "WMD".

Shockingly, people seem to wipe the injustice of Guantanamo Bay out of the discussion. Even rapist, serial killer, members of organized crime etc. were given a fair trial. It might be the thing of the past, but 9/11 were also part of history.

How about the infamous Patriot Act?

Don't be selective. As long as 9/11 is remembered, these things must not be forgotten.

From the invasion:
- America went into a warfare in the Middle East.
- Invasion of Iraq was entirely unconnected to al-Qaeda. Remember WMD.
- Saddam Hussein was toppled (the statue and the real deal).
- Heightened security at airports.
- Shipping and insurance rates climbed.
- Motorists are paying twice as much for gas (in some countries).
- Some 6,000 of US soldiers were killed.
- Many allies soldier killed.
- 137,000 civilians casualties in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan.
- More than 7.8 million refugees in these countries were created.
- The wars’ estimated cost to the United States is up to $4 trillion.
- Estimates on 9/11's damages vary widely, ranging from $35 billion to $4 trillion.
- Bush's war was paid for entirely on credit.
- Social costs, reflected in veteran suicides and family breakups, are incalculable.
- Pakistan might become America's next top headache. Armed with nuclear weapons.
- ....the list goes on

Was it worth it? For me, it didn't even made it to 'break even'. America has precious little to show for the mass sacrifice and massacre apart from the destabilization of al-Qaeda and the killing of Osama bin Laden in May 2011. Proving that war should always be left as a question, and never the answer.

The "war on terror" was more an emotional response, proven to have more negative than positive effects. Asked what George W Bush felt when he heard the attacks, he said "My first reaction was anger - who would do that to America?".

The lame tag of "war against terrorism" didn't promote democracy. Its more like a mockery to the system. The 'war on terror' is definitely not to be credited for the Arab spring; recently swept most of the Middle East. Pushing for democracy by way of force.

I strongly believe that Iraqis would join the Arab revolution ousting any dictator that stands in the way of democracy. If only there were no invasion in that sovereign land.....

Iraq might have followed suit

Not only left with a tarnished credibility, the world superpower of ten years ago has lost its self-confidence and desperately needs to regroup. The next ten years would be crucial. Any wrong move might prompt the end. They need to win back the trust of their allies. A target that would be challenging.

There is no return to the world as we know prior to September 11th 2001. This definitely has been America's decade of wastage

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