Sunday 4 September 2011

Palestinian State, a Threat to Israel

Product of inaction

In the 4 decades since the Middle East war in 1967, numerous peace talks were held. Unfortunately, only those plans which involves Israel with Egypt and Jordan has been successful. The successful one is redundant for the Palestinians. The injustice done to them attracts little attention from those who are in the position to make a change. By now we should realize that Obama is just another sweet talking puppet. For all his fine speeches, Mr Obama’s inept diplomacy ended in humiliation.

In between numerous peace talks created since the "Security Council Resolution 242", 1967, the "only" thing changed is the 'president' of the US. Why are the US reluctant to upheld justice as preached? America seems to take a selective approach in applying the term equality with their discriminatory foreign policy. Its not that surprising since Israel lobby is one of the most powerful in Washington.

Now wikileaks has exposed another reason for Israel's continuous objection to Palestinian statehood; lack of statehood would keep Palestine outside the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (ICC). War crimes is a concern for Israel since they are responsible for many. Israel is trying to dismiss the claims through legal technicality. Human created law is flawed. Having went through numerous revision over the past centuries, loopholes are still abundant.

The mischievous act was admitted by the Military Advocate General for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), Avichai Mandelblit. While having a discussion with US Ambassador James B. Cunningham on "Operation Cast Lead" in February 2010, Mandelblit stated that Palestinian Authority (PA) Justice Minister Ali Kashan had requested the ICC Prosecutor to investigate allege Israeli war crimes in the occupied territories since 2002. Mandelblit takes the action by the PA as waging war against the Government of Israel.

 Avichai Mandelblit

An unmanned drone aircraft were used by terrorist in Operation Cast Lead [ a.k.a Gaza Massacre (مجزرة غزة‎)]. Shrapnel were fired inside a mosque during the time of prayers, causing the death of at least 16 civilians.

Unmanned drone

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