Friday 2 September 2011

Hurricane Irene - Overrated?

Turns out Irene wasnt the storm everyone expect it to be. Irene has been downgraded to a tropical storm on Sunday morning. However, the storm had killed at least 19 people. Was Irene another example of US media scare tactics normally used by politicians to boost support? 

I dont think Irene is another panic marketing by the US media. Natural disasters are (a) real (possibility) and should't be taken lightly. We have been taught by history that the aftermath of such disaster might be ugly. I think President Obama did the right thing by taking a proactive approach.

As proven by Katrina, its better to overhype than underhype a natural disaster. You can ask George W. Bush. He'll definitely agree (or he still might not...).

On the other hand, the hype that came prior to Irene might have a "boy who cried wolf" effect in the future. People might treat future warnings as false alarms. We just have to wait and see.

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