Saturday 27 August 2011

Irene - (NY) Gay Marriage Attracts Natural Disaster?

 Andrew Cuomo

Men and Women are created as a pair, a complement to each other. A famous random quote, "Its Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve!". The recent gay marriage passed in New York is a blow to our natural foundation of existence. Hence the legalization of the abnormal marriage itself can be considered a "natural disaster".

As taught by history, humans are curious beings. Created with the capacity to think has made us 'greedy' for knowledge and experience. Making us never satisfied with the normal and natural course of life. Blessed with choices, humans are constantly curious. Curiosity is what drives us to discover, pushing our race to progress. But once curiosity went over board, the result might be harmful. Gay marriage is a case of curiosity gone out of control.

Once an abnormal or unnatural path is chosen, the consequences would set a precedent. If the result of the choices made did not end with undesirable outcomes, other might tend to emulate. This is the case with gay marriage.

New York made history in June by becoming the sixth and largest state to legalize gay marriage. The state Senate passed the bill by a 33-29 margin. Unlike in Massachusetts, the first state to allow gay marriage in 2004, people do not need to be residents of New York to obtain a marriage license, so the state could attract couples from across the country. Apparently, it also has attracted natural disaster as well.

A couple of days ago, the East Coast area of the US were hit by a rare earthquake. The quake, which hit at 1:51 p.m. ET, measured at 5.8 on the Richter scale. According to Associate Coordinator of the USGS Earthquake Hazards Program Michael Blanpied, only two earthquakes of 5.0 or more have struck the area in 100 years. The earthquake came less than three weeks before the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks. There could still be aftershocks from the 5.8 magnitude quake.   

As if that's not enough, now hurricane Irene looming. President Barack Obama has warned that Irene could be a "historic" storm. Taking a proactive stance in anticipating the disaster. Irene could affect up to 65 million people in major cities along the east coast which includes Washington, New York and Boston. Amtrak announced it was cancelling train travel south of Washington on the east coast. Irene has already caused havoc in the Caribbean and is expected to hit Washington and New York City on Sunday. People living in the alerted areas are busy buying grocery as precautionary measures.

Is there a correlation between the disaster and the 'disastrous' bill passed? Why did this rare hurricane chooses to strike now instead of other time?
At least ten people have been killed by Irene in North Carolina, Virginia and Florida. States of emergency have been declared in North Carolina, Maryland, Virginia, Delaware, New Jersey, New York and Connecticut.

Hurricane Irene swept through some of the biggest cities in the Northeast with wind gusts and torrential rains, cutting power to three million.

New York finally takes a nap.

People of sodom and gomorrah?

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