Sunday 21 August 2011

Album Review - Al Di Meola, Elegant Gypsy

Albums and movies are reviewed after the time I digested them thoroughly. So there might be some old stuff reviewed.
"In music, sometimes flashes of brilliance is preferred over a prolonged one."
This is an instrumental album from start to finish. But the album does have a good amount of variety, maintaining listeners interest without the presence of lyrics. Starting with 'Flight Over Rio', a perfect appetizer.

The sound is just relaxing and not as 'intimidating' as Santana's work. However there is power and intricacy sewn into every song. Di Meola and the supporting act played together with such harmony and beauty, all song is not easily overlooked. This album sends fusion lovers into bliss.

For me, a feat which is hard to achieve from an instrument is to sound simple yet complex in the execution. Di Meola convinces with his prodigious hand work. Most instrumental guitarist tried too hard and end up 'boasting' about the speed which they can play the guitar while ignoring the rhythm as a whole. This is not the case with Di Meola. He obviously has the ability to shred at lightning speed, but he tames it and keeps it under control. He is economical in displaying what hes capable of. In music, sometimes flashes of brilliance is preferred over a prolonged one.

I just picked up the album this year. Since Al Di Meola isn't as famous as Malmsteen, I thought the album came out in the 2k era. How wrong i. The album doesn't have the outdated 70-80's sound and is unbelievably fresh sounding even though have been around longer than myself. Why haven't this guy been mentioned at the same level as other guitar greats is still a mystery. It seems that jazz fusion is out of fashion with the jazz intelligentsia. 

A gem in the world of jazz fusion.

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