Monday 1 August 2011

US Deficit Deal Reached


US President Barack Obama says congressional leaders have reached an agreement on raising the US debt limit and avoiding default. A default would be embarrassing and would have had a devastating effect to the US economy and send shockwaves through the global economy.

2/8/11, 7.30 am

The US House of Representatives has passed a last-minute deal to avoid a federal debt default. The package would raise the debt ceiling by up to $2.4tn on top of the current limit set at $14.3tn. It would also projected to save at least $2.1tn in 10 years time. The bill was approved by 269 votes to 161. The legislation must now be passed to Senate, and approved by the President to become law.


President Barack Obama has signed legislation to increase the US debt ceiling avoiding a financial default. The bill cleared by the Senate with 74 votes to 26.

However, based on the performance of stocks, the bill's passage failed to lift financial markets.

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