Monday 15 August 2011

A Little Bit of Pessimism Makes the World Alright

Why people only wish for things which they desire? Forseeable reason; no one wants to be at the unfavorable end of anything. However, being too optimistic is plain naive.

Everyone has an opinion. An opinion normally orbits around experience. Its normal to place an expectation, but sometimes people seems to get lost in their interpretation of achievable, shifting from being realistic to delusional.

Adding a little pessimism to an optimist makes a realist. To me, its the ideal state of mind.

However, trying to forge pessimism into your system doesn't work.

In the quest of incorporating some pessimism in you, lessening your expectations is a good start. Once it became a habit, the next step is to work hard for what you are aiming for. the result would be sweeter than usual.

If pessimism came through experience, the result of our work subsequently might not be spiritually satisfying. But it would definitely be something to be proud of. Naturally pessimism comes from an abnormal experience of absurdity. When one felt the meaning of being helpless, the thought of being a (bit) pessimist would automatically be instilled. 

Where Did Optimism Originated From

People were once content with what they have and just went with the flow. They were not optimistic, yet they weren't dejected with life. There were times where people would oblige with their societal level/status, remaining pessimistic about prospect. Luxurious it might not be, but those were the time where people seems to live a much fulfilled life. We'd be a great deal more cheerful if we learn to be a little more pessimistic.

Optimism increased with the advancement of science and technology. eg. Before there were weather forecast, people would just plan and wish for the best.

Material improvements have been so remarkable, it drastically increase our comfort, safety, wealth and power. The pampering provided has made us comfortable, unconsciously losing our capacity to remain pessimistic - and therefore, crucially, to our ability to stay content. Our lives are no less subject to accident, frustration, heartbreak, jealousy, anxiety or death than were those of our ancestor. What separates us might be the worldview adopted.

We are living in the age of secular worldview. Since an early stage of our education, we have been taught to see everything in an optimistic way. 'Millions' of self improvement books encouraging optimism illustrates this point. Being optimistic might rule out the possibilities of failure. When an optimist failed, he would curse at some of the failings. At times, people might even blame God. This is a serious flaw of secularism. There's just no plan 'B' (or others), which is absurd since life choices isn't an exam question.

Different View

The word 'pessimist' might carry a gloomy outlook. Its normally tied to being anxious and depressed. This is unfounded. Being a moderate pessimist might open up unexpected opportunities, which only visible by taking a different look to the world. Moreover, nowadays, being a pessimist can be considered a niche. Having a different outlook from others, might give us an advantage and a better overall view.

Contrary to popular belief, people normally are cast into gloom by hope. It is hope - with regard to our careers, our government, our politicians and our planet is primarily to blame for igniting and bringing forth our feeling of anger and hatred. 

Regardless of the view chosen, action and effort is required for anything to be achieved.

Men is Imperfect

People are not created to be perfect. Flaws are inevitable. It is the secular whose longing for perfection. In secularism, anything less would be disastrous. This is what often happen when we compare our self with other human beings. Only when we start comparing our position with something bigger, would make us a pessimist. Fearing the worst could assist in bringing the best out of us. Only then would we be fearful of the commandments. That is when we would start to give more weight to our decisions.

We are encouraged to put in effort and pray for the best. Praying requires faith. Having faith doesn't rule out the dimension of pessimism since the end result depends heavily on independent variables and is at the mercy of God. We have to believe in Qada' and Qadr. Being too optimistic about an outcome clearly rules out the possibility that it will not manifest.

Actions are needed since in the absence of it, the result would be obvious. If we chose not to work, we would not get any salary. But if we chose to work, we might end up being fired. Remember, getting fired is a probability, while being unemployed would definitely result in an 'empty' bank account.

This is what is said by President Obama in the wake of Hurricane Irene, an example of where a little bit of pessimism is alright:
"Don't wait, don't delay. We all hope for the best, but we have to be prepared for the worst. All of us have to take this storm seriously."
Work your guts out, be a little pessimistic, hope moderately. When delusional expectations are not set, you might not be disappointed with a lesser, more reasonable result. It might satisfy you. The further you climb, the higher you fall. A pessimistic world view does not have to entail a life stripped of joy. On the contrary,  it might be the source of happiness and achieving the state of peace of mind. Throwing pessimism out of the equation would be too simplistic. Opportunities are scarce. That is why a little bit of pessimism could make the world alright.

Adding a little pessimism to an optimist makes a realist

F.N.M, helpless:
The waters clean, I see that is full of dimes
For every wish I wonder why
Why all I want is something beautiful
A place to rest
- I never felt better now -

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