Wednesday 3 August 2011

Islam and Empirical Observation

16/2/2008 *Edited

In simple terms, empirical observation is conducting experiments. The empirical observation theory depends heavily on experience. Things which is beyond what people could experience would not be taken into consideration. The concept was brought by Francis Bacon, a famous Western scholar. The concept of Empirical observation was later developed by John Locke. He laid the foundation that scientific methodology relies heavily on observable, quantifiable and measurable items. These attributes are the core foundation of empirical observation (EO). This view is totally different from Muslim scientist in the past where they combine the physical with the metaphysical aspect in coming to a conclusion.

Since EO only considers things which are observable and able to be experienced by at least one of our five senses, there is a conflict between this methodology with religion(s). The most obvious reason is due to the fact that God is not observable, thus making them to conclude that He doesn't exist. Through the denial of the existence of God, they inevitably deny Islam (and other religion) which is built around the oneness of God (Tawhid).


Even though there exist difference in view, Islam doesn't reject empirical observation (EO) totally since it encourage experiments. In Islam, the process of EO is incorporated to the revelation sent by Allah. Conducting experiments is a means to strengthen our belief in God through observing the trend and behavior of His creation. By conducting experiments, human should realize the complexity of the things around us and to realize that it is impossible for them to materialize and function without a Master Creator (God) behind it. Islam sees EO as a tool for the purpose of getting closer to the Creator by observing His signs (ayah). EO is encouraged in Islam since it will utilize our distinctive ability to think. Through it, experience is obtained. Experience is a tool that can be used to improve our life. Furthermore, there are only usable knowledge which can be derived from experience. 



As mentioned above, Muslims pioneered the field of science. Muslims was the first to use an experimental scientific method which is based on induction, measurement, sighting, experiment and representation. This is one of the contribution of Islam to the field of science. Such a method was in contrast from that of others previous civilization, as they would be content with assumption without any effort to prove their theories.  

One famous pioneer for experiments is Jabir ibn Hayyan. Jabir is held to be the first practical alchemist. His name was Latinized as "Geber" in the Christian West similar to other Muslim scholars at that time. Ibn Hayyan was known to be pious. He repeatedly emphasizes in his works that alchemy is possible only by subjugating oneself completely to the will of Allah and being sincere. According to him, the manipulation of reality is possible only by the will of God and if its done for the sake of Allah.

 15th century depiction of Ibn Hayyan, Geber

With all the medical advancement that we have made, there are still disease that we cant cure. HIV/AIDS is the most obvious. Why?

Moreover, there are tons of phenomena that we (still) cant explain. Heck, we don't even know how the pyramid was exactly built. Some explanation that we have is mere speculation based on trends. Its not at all definitive. It is disturbing how the science world accepted Darwin's theory of evolution without any harsh criticism. Science is a field that requires hard evidence. How can anyone possibly prove the theory of evolution since the experiment must take millions of years to materialize. This is how Darwin deflect any doubters and deceiving those on the fence. His theory shouldn't be popularize; it shouldn't be in our school children's textbook!

Empirical knowledge alone denies the metaphysical world. With the integration of Islam inside the empirical knowledge, we can benefit from it in the sense that we can learn from experience. Muslims should accept empirical knowledge moderately without denying the existence of God and his revelations. Following blindly is not encouraged, but we must remember that our knowledge is limited and there are knowledge far beyond the capacity of our mind to rationalize. This is where faith should be present.


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