Friday 12 August 2011

The Devil Behind Manchester United - Edited 9.11

Preferably while listening to Clint Mansell's  First Snow
***                                          ***
As a preview to the 2011/2012 season, I would like to share a theory.
Last season, Manchester United have broken a record shared with their 'once' arch enemy. The club has finally moved ahead of Liverpool in the league title stakes, winning their 19th title. Although they were schooled of the field by Barcelona in last season's UCL final, their overall achievement cant be ignored. No one have predicted that they would reach last season champions league final.

Now, they look stronger as ever, evidenced during their recent pre season matches. Hinting that business will continue as usual in the near future.

So what makes Manchester United so successful over the years.Whats the force behind them? The answer lies within their emblem. You guessed it, they have something sinister working behind them.

The club crest is derived from the Manchester City Council coat of arms.

Why was the three stripes been replaced? The move might be done to distinct Man Utd from Man City. But out of all available options, why was the devil chosen? Is there an explanation behind this? Is it tied to their success on and off the field?


The devil on The Emblem
The devil. A creature believed in many religions and cultures to be a powerful, supernatural entity that is the personification of evil. They have pledged their existence to lead humans astray till the end of times.

Why the devil represents United? 

It was said that it originated from their nickname; 'the red devils'. The story was, Matt Busby searched for a name that would be more intimidating for the opposition since the term Busby Babes was a bit gentle. Well actually Mr Busby got the name from the Salford City Reds rugby league team who were given the nickname Les Diables Rouges by the French media after a successful tour of the country in 1934.

.....This can't be taken as a serious origin. Normally objects which are featured on an emblem would carry a much significant meaning. Every detail would have a concrete reason for inclusion. An emblem is important since it would be the image representing the club. It would be the symbol which the wearer would be associated with. Image, as some says, weights heavier than words.An emblem stand testimony to their authenticity and years of glorious presence. A club's emblem nowadays represents their business identity both on and off the pitch. It gives a boost to a club’s brand value. It helps a team to distance itself from the rest and sends its message across to its targeted audience successfully.

So what exactly is the message? Who are their targeted audience?

It seems that the symbolism here is to give glory to the devil while indirectly promoting him. A form of unconscious worship. Even though they've been chained in hell during the month of Ramadan, it haven't stop them from laughing.

 Hail the devil?

The devil works in a subtle way. He wont physically appear and force you to follow him. Rather, he would be present in ways that might be unthinkable. Appearing in a football logo seems harmless enough. But think again. Slowly and steadily he is plotting to deceive. The devil can afford to creep since he was blessed with time which would only end when the sun rises from the west.

Munich Tragedy
The tragedy occurred while the team were returning from a European Cup game. The plane stopped to refuel in Munich. Flying against a blizzard, the plane crashed, killing eight of the young squad. Fifteen others died in the crash. This is said to be where the support originated from. Fans and non fans shared the grief, not just in England but throughout the world. This is one of the main reason why Man Utd has a bigger fan base outside of Manchester itself.

Was the tragedy also where the devil originated from? Was there a pact made to propel the team further? Is the tragedy a form of sacrifice? People tend to think that pacts with the devil only exist in literature. They are wrong. People such as Aleister Crowley do exist.

Man Utd became the first English team to win the European Cup after the crash in 1968. Also, most of their trophies are won after the Munich tragedy.


Father Urbain Grandier's pact
*Illustration purposes

Most supporter
Manchester United peaked at a time where the world is getting border-less. This is another reason for their unprecedented worldwide support. Now, the club takes advantage of this support through its worldwide summer tours. According to accountancy firm and sports industry consultants Deloitte, it is estimated that Manchester United has approximately 100 million fans worldwide. Other estimates put this figure closer to 350 million. How did this club attract so many followers?

Wealthiest Sports Brand
In 2011, Forbes stated that the wealth of The Red Devils reaches £1.65 billion. Translating to $2.69 billion. For the financial year ending June 2011, the club posted total turnover of more than £330 million and an operating profit of over £110 million for the first time in the club's history.

Theater of Dreams
Upon its completion in 1910, Old Trafford became one of the leading stadium in the UK. The name suggest that it is the venue for dreams to be made. On occasions, that seems to be the case. Only in a dream will you get everything that you wish for. So how many times did Man Utd came back from the dead to win a match? Plenty! The feat hasn't been seen regularly from other teams.

The most popular grounds for foreign visitors are Old Trafford, Anfield and the Emirates Stadium.

Theater of dreams

If the devil is working behind them, why didn't Man Utd won all matches and make a clean sweep to all trophies available? Remember, the devil is not God and can't give everything....

 *** This article is pure fiction***

 Thinking of ways to deceive
Art: the biz, Simon Bisley

Champions League/ European Cup:
1968, 1999, 2008

Premier League:
1993, 1994, 1996, 1997, 1999,
2000, 2001, 2003, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011

First Division Title:
1908, 1911, 1952, 1956, 1957
1965, 1967 

FA Cup:
1909, 1948, 1963, 1977, 1983, 1985
1990, 1994, 1996, 1999, 2004 

League Cup:
1992, 2006, 2009, 2010

Charity/Community Shield:
1908, 1911, 1952, 1956, 1957, 1965*
1967*, 1977* 1983, 1990*, 1993, 1994
1996, 1997, 2003, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011

Function of the devil
The devil possess the power to whisper evil propositions into the heart of men. For our point of view, the function of the devil is to be shunned, not celebrated. However, the club successfully made people to forget about this fact.

More reason for it to be supported by this agent of evil.

Green and Gold Until They Fold


....maybe in another time

*** This article is pure fiction***

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