Friday 19 August 2011

(More) Lesson From Japan's Tsunami/Quake

Altruism isn’t dead. Five months after the double disasters, Japanese police say they've received $78 million in missing cash and valuables.In the aftermath of the tragedy, valuable goods were scattered all over the place. Instead of looting them, citizens promptly turned in what they have found.

The $78mn is made out of thousands of missing wallets (contained $48 million in cash) and nearly 6,000 more safes which contained an extra $30 million. At one point, so many safes had been turned in, police had difficulty finding places to store them.

This is an encouraging news for our humanity. The scale of honesty in the wake of disaster is still striking.

Whats more 'shocking', most of the money found has been returned to its owners, after police used identifying documents in the safes to track them down. Even the administration of a deceased person's estate might delay the beneficiaries from receiving their shares for years.

Japan's most powerful earthquake recorded struck the north-east coast, triggering a massive tsunami. Cars, ships and buildings were swept away by a wall of water after the 8.9-magnitude quake. 

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