Sunday 7 August 2011

WWW is One Year Short From the Age of Majority

The World Wide Web turned 20 years yesterday (6/8/11). 
As usual, time feels to lapse even faster when this type of news comes out. The web is a big collection of HTML pages on the Internet. The internet is one of the most influential presence in our life. It safe to say, for some of us, it came 2nd only to religion.

There was a time when there was no internet. I cant remember most of the activities during the absent. But those were good times. 'Corruptions was hidden from us', allegations and gossips were confined to small audience, secret societies was unknown to many, there was no Rebecca Black, Justin Bieber etc. Those were the time where if you miss anything on TV, YouTube wasn't there for the rescue.

Much recently, series of revolutions has been witnessed in the Middle East and Africa. Tunisia, recognized as the revolution that started it all, was prompted by the the internet.

Now, countries are engaged in cyber warfare. As long as it doesn't involve people dying, and causing serious harm to the environment, carry on.

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